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6 adet kronometre

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6 adet kronometre Empty 6 adet kronometre

Mesaj tarafından Admin Çarş. Eyl. 02, 2009 7:17 pm

<title>Multi Stop Watch</title>

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#sw1, #sw2, #sw3, #sw4, #sw5, #sw6   { visibility:hidden;


<script type="text/javascript">
/* StopWatch Version 1.0
Public Domain
written by Steven Lorbach
Dynamic Web Technologies, MN
Send comments/suggestions to

 <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
 var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to';
 var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '=';
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 document.write( '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy71335 + '\'>' );
 document.write( addy71335 );
 document.write( '<\/a>' );
 //-->\n </script> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
 document.write( '<span style=\'display: none;\'>' );
 </script>Bu e-Posta adresi istek dışı postalardan korunmaktadır, görüntülüyebilmek için JavaScript etkinleştirilmelidir
 <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
 document.write( '</' );
 document.write( 'span>' );

Feel free to use as you wish. Please keep the
above credits in the web page.
// Sniff, sniff, let's find out which browser and version you're using!
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// var restart1 = "no";
var mode1 = "paused";var hrs1 = 0;var mins1 = 0;var secs1 = 0;var mSecs1 = 0;
var mode2 = "paused";var hrs2 = 0;var mins2 = 0;var secs2 = 0;var mSecs2 = 0;
var mode3 = "paused";var hrs3 = 0;var mins3 = 0;var secs3 = 0;var mSecs3 = 0;
var mode4 = "paused";var hrs4 = 0;var mins4 = 0;var secs4 = 0;var mSecs4 = 0;
var mode5 = "paused";var hrs5 = 0;var mins5 = 0;var secs5 = 0;var mSecs5 = 0;
var mode6 = "paused";var hrs6 = 0;var mins6 = 0;var secs6 = 0;var mSecs6 = 0;
function startSW(swNo)
{   eval("if(mode" + swNo + "!= 'running') refresh" + swNo + " = setInterval('writeTime(" + swNo + ")',10)");
eval("mode" + swNo + " = 'running'");
function pauseSW(swNo) { eval("clearInterval(refresh" + swNo + "); mode" + swNo + "='paused'");}
function resetSW(swNo)
{   eval("hrs" + swNo + "=0");eval("mins" + swNo + "=0");eval("secs" + swNo + "=0");   eval("mSecs" + swNo + "=0");
eval("document.forms['timeForm" + swNo + "'].hours.value = 0");eval("document.forms['timeForm" + swNo + "'].minutes.value = 0");eval("document.forms['timeForm" + swNo + "'].seconds.value = 0");eval("document.forms['timeForm" + swNo + "'].milliseconds.value = 0");

function writeTime(swNo)
{   eval("mSecs" + swNo + "+=10");eval("if(mSecs" + swNo + "%1000 == 0 && mSecs" + swNo + "!=0) { secs" + swNo + "++; mSecs" + swNo + "=0;}" );
eval("if(secs"+swNo+"%60==0&&secs"+swNo+"!=0){mins"+swNo+"++;secs"+ swNo+"=0;}");eval("if(mins"+swNo+"%60==0&&mins"+swNo+"!=0){hrs"+swNo+"++;mins"+swNo+"=0;}");
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{   case "1":eval(layerRef + "sw1" + endLayerRef + styleRef + ".visibility" + " = 'visible'");break;
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case "5":eval(layerRef + "sw1" + endLayerRef + styleRef + ".visibility" + " = 'visible'");eval(layerRef + "sw2" + endLayerRef + styleRef + ".visibility" + " = 'visible'");eval(layerRef + "sw3" + endLayerRef + styleRef + ".visibility" + " = 'visible'");eval(layerRef + "sw4" + endLayerRef + styleRef + ".visibility" + " = 'visible'");eval(layerRef + "sw5" + endLayerRef + styleRef + ".visibility" + " = 'visible'");break;
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<form name="swCount">
How many stop watches do you wish to run?<br />
<th class="brdr"><input name="count" type="radio" value="1" onclick="setCount(this.value)">1</input></th>
<th class="brdr"><input name="count" type="radio" value="2" onclick="setCount(this.value)">2</input></th>
<th class="brdr"><input name="count" type="radio" value="3" onclick="setCount(this.value)">3</input></th>
<th class="brdr"><input name="count" type="radio" value="4" onclick="setCount(this.value)">4</input></th>
<th class="brdr"><input name="count" type="radio" value="5" onclick="setCount(this.value)">5</input></th>
<th class="brdr"><input name="count" type="radio" value="6" onclick="setCount(this.value)">6</input></th>
<div id="sw1">
<form name="timeForm1">
<table class="stopWatch" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl">
<tr><th colspan="4">Stop Watch 1</th></tr>
<tr><th class="btmLine cWidth">Hr</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Min</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Sec</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Msec</th></tr>
<tr><th><input name="hours" readonly="readonly" class="time " size="6"></th>
<th><input name="minutes" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="seconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="milliseconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"><input name="cycle" type="button" value="Start" class="btn" onclick="startSW(1);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Pause" class="btn" onclick="pauseSW(1);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Reset" class="btn" onclick="resetSW(1);"/></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"> by <a href="http://www.DynamicWebTec.com">DynamicWebTec.com</a></th></tr>

<div id="sw2" >
<form name="timeForm2">
<table class="stopWatch" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl">
<tr><th colspan="4">Stop Watch 2</th></tr>
<tr><th class="btmLine cWidth">Hr</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Min</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Sec</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Msec</th></tr>
<tr><th><input name="hours" readonly="readonly" class="time " size="6"></th>
<th><input name="minutes" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="seconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="milliseconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"><input name="cycle" type="button" value="Start" class="btn" onclick="startSW(2);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Pause" class="btn" onclick="pauseSW(2);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Reset" class="btn" onclick="resetSW(2);"/></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"> by <a href="http://www.DynamicWebTec.com">DynamicWebTec.com</a></th></tr>

<div id="sw3" >
<form name="timeForm3">
<table class="stopWatch" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl">
<tr><th colspan="4">Stop Watch 3</th></tr>
<tr><th class="btmLine cWidth">Hr</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Min</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Sec</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Msec</th></tr>
<tr><th><input name="hours" readonly="readonly" class="time " size="6"></th>
<th><input name="minutes" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="seconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="milliseconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"><input name="cycle" type="button" value="Start" class="btn" onclick="startSW(3);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Pause" class="btn" onclick="pauseSW(3);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Reset" class="btn" onclick="resetSW(3);"/></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"> by <a href="http://www.DynamicWebTec.com">DynamicWebTec.com</a></th></tr>

<div id="sw4">
<form name="timeForm4">
<table class="stopWatch" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl">
<tr><th colspan="4">Stop Watch 4</th></tr>
<tr><th class="btmLine cWidth">Hr</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Min</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Sec</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Msec</th></tr>
<tr><th><input name="hours" readonly="readonly" class="time " size="6"></th>
<th><input name="minutes" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="seconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="milliseconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"><input name="cycle" type="button" value="Start" class="btn" onclick="startSW(4);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Pause" class="btn" onclick="pauseSW(4);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Reset" class="btn" onclick="resetSW(4);"/></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"> by <a href="http://www.DynamicWebTec.com">DynamicWebTec.com</a></th></tr>

<div id="sw5">
<form name="timeForm5">
<table class="stopWatch" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl">
<tr><th colspan="4">Stop Watch 5</th></tr>
<tr><th class="btmLine cWidth">Hr</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Min</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Sec</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Msec</th></tr>
<tr><th><input name="hours" readonly="readonly" class="time " size="6"></th>
<th><input name="minutes" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="seconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="milliseconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"><input name="cycle" type="button" value="Start" class="btn" onclick="startSW(5);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Pause" class="btn" onclick="pauseSW(5);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Reset" class="btn" onclick="resetSW(5);"/></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"> by <a href="http://www.DynamicWebTec.com">DynamicWebTec.com</a></th></tr>

<div id="sw6">
<form name="timeForm6">
<table class="stopWatch" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl">
<tr><th colspan="4">Stop Watch 6</th></tr>
<tr><th class="btmLine cWidth">Hr</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Min</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Sec</th><th class="btmLine cWidth">Msec</th></tr>
<tr><th><input name="hours" readonly="readonly" class="time " size="6"></th>
<th><input name="minutes" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="seconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<th><input name="milliseconds" readonly="readonly" class="time" size="6"></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"><input name="cycle" type="button" value="Start" class="btn" onclick="startSW(6);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Pause" class="btn" onclick="pauseSW(6);"/><input name="honk" type="button" value="Reset" class="btn" onclick="resetSW(6);"/></th>
<tr><th colspan="4"> by <a href="http://www.DynamicWebTec.com">DynamicWebTec.com</a></th></tr>



Mesaj Sayısı : 2831
Kayıt tarihi : 25/06/09
Nerden : İstanbul
Yaş : 33
Cinsiyet : Erkek


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