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Hesap makinesi

Aşağa gitmek

Hesap makinesi Empty Hesap makinesi

Mesaj tarafından Admin Çarş. Eyl. 02, 2009 6:44 pm

<script language='JavaScript' type='text/JavaScript'>
//Made by 1st JavaScript Editor
first3=24;var fifteenth=0, sixteenth=0, seventeenth=0, eighteenth=0, nineteenth=1, twentieth=0, first2, second2;second3=first3+6; third3=first3+second3; fourth3=first3+second3+third3; fifth3=fourth3/third3*first3; sixth3=third3*first3/12*second3; seventh3=first3+second3/fifth3-16*fourth3; eighth3=sixth3*(first3-5)/third3+fourth3; ninth3=eighth3/seventh3+first3*third3-fourth3;tenth3=(ninth3+first3/third3*fourth3+second3*fifth3)/sixth3+eighth3-ninth3-1;eleventh3=Math.floor(tenth3) ;twelfth3=eleventh3-60;
function third2(value){ document.form1.fourth2.value = value; fifteenth = twelfth3, sixteenth = twelfth3, seventeenth = twelfth3, eighteenth = twelfth3; nineteenth = 1; twentieth = twelfth3;}
function fifth2(sixth2){ first2 = 1;
if(seventeenth || nineteenth) { seventeenth = twelfth3; nineteenth = twelfth3; second2 = sixth2; } {
if (second2.indexOf(".")!=-1) { first2=twelfth3; } }}
function fifteenth3(sixteenth3,seventeenth3){second2 = document.form1.fourth2.value;
if(seventeenth3=='.') { fifth2('0');
if(first2==1) { second2 += seventeenth3; document.form1.fourth2.value = second2; twentieth = twelfth3; }}
if(sixteenth3>=twelfth3 && sixteenth3<=9) { fifth2('');
if(second2==twelfth3 && first2==1) second2=''; second2 += sixteenth3; document.form1.fourth2.value = second2; twentieth = 1;}
if(seventeenth3=='-' || seventeenth3=='+' || seventeenth3=='/' || seventeenth3=='*') {
if(seventeenth) sixteenth = seventeenth3;
else {
if(!eighteenth) { sixteenth = seventeenth3; fifteenth = second2; eighteenth=1; }
else { fifteenth = eval(fifteenth + sixteenth + second2); sixteenth = seventeenth3; document.form1.fourth2.value = fifteenth; } twentieth=twelfth3; seventeenth = 1; }}
if(seventeenth3=='1/x' ) { fifteenth = eval(1 / second2) ; third2(fifteenth); }
if(seventeenth3=='sqrt') { fifteenth = Math.sqrt(second2); third2(fifteenth); }
if(seventeenth3=='exp' ) { fifteenth = Math.exp(second2) ; third2(fifteenth); }
if(seventeenth3=='+/-') document.form1.fourth2.value = eval(-second2);
if(seventeenth3=='=' && twentieth && sixteenth!='0') third2(eval(fifteenth + sixteenth + second2));
if (seventeenth3=='C') third2(twelfth3);
if(document.form1.fourth2.value[0] == '.') document.form1.fourth2.value = '0' + document.form1.fourth2.value;}
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<input type='text' name='fourth2' value='0'></TD></TR><TR align=center>   <TD colspan=4><B><FONT COLOR='#FFFFFF'>Calculator</FONT></B></TD>   <TD >
<input type='button' name='C' value=' C ' onclick="fifteenth3(11,'C')"></TD></TR><TR align=center>   <TD>
<input type='button' name='7' value=' 7 ' onclick="fifteenth3(7 ,'')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type='button' name='8' value=' 8 ' onclick="fifteenth3(8 ,'')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type='button' name='9' value=' 9 ' onclick="fifteenth3(9 ,'')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type='button' name='/' value=' / ' onclick="fifteenth3(11,'/')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type='button' name='sqrt' value='sqrt' onclick="fifteenth3(11,'sqrt')"></TD></TR><TR align=center>   <TD>
<input type='button' name='4' value=' 4 ' onclick="fifteenth3(4,'')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type="button" name="5" value=" 5 " onclick="fifteenth3(5,'')"></TD>   <TD><input type="button" name="6" value=" 6 " onclick="fifteenth3(6,'')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type="button" name="*" value=" * " onclick="fifteenth3(11,'*')"></TD>   <TD>
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<input type="button" name="1" value=" 1 " onclick="fifteenth3(1,'')"></TD>   <TD>
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<input type="button" name="+/-" value=" +/- " onclick="fifteenth3(11,'+/-')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type="button" name="." value=" , " onclick="fifteenth3(11,'.')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type="button" name="+" value=" + " onclick="fifteenth3(11,'+')"></TD>   <TD>
<input type="button" name="=" value=" = " onclick="fifteenth3(11,'=')"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>

Mesaj Sayısı : 2831
Kayıt tarihi : 25/06/09
Nerden : İstanbul
Yaş : 33
Cinsiyet : Erkek


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